Water Baptism – FEB 14th

Are you ready to take your next step in your relationship with Jesus? We are having Water Baptisms on Sunday, February 14th at 10:00am. We will be having a GOTBAPTISM? class for those wanting to be baptized at 9:00am. To get all the details, please visit our Welcome Table and ask for a baptism packet…

Water Baptism – APR 11th

Are you ready to take your next step in your relationship with Jesus? We are having Water Baptisms on Sunday, April 11th at 10:00am. We will be having a GOTBAPTISM? class for those wanting to be baptized at 9:00am. To get all the details, please visit our Welcome Table and ask for a baptism packet…

Water Baptism – JUN 13th

Are you ready to take your next step in your relationship with Jesus? We are having Water Baptisms on Sunday, June 13th at 10:00am. We will be having a GOTBAPTISM? class for those wanting to be baptized at 9:00am. To get all the details, please visit our Welcome Table and ask for a baptism packet…

Water Baptism – SEP 12th

Are you ready to take your next step in your relationship with Jesus? We are having Water Baptisms on Sunday, September 12th at 10:00am. We will be having a GOTBAPTISM? class for those wanting to be baptized at 9:00am. To get all the details, please visit our Welcome Table and ask for a baptism packet…

Water Baptism – NOV 14th

  Are you ready to take your next step in your relationship with Jesus? We are having Water Baptisms on Sunday, November 14th at 10:00am. We will be having a GOTBAPTISM? class for those wanting to be baptized at 9:00am. To get all the details, please visit our Welcome Table and ask for a baptism…

21 days of Prayer and Fasting

Every night during the 21 days of Prayer and Fasting a different church will host an in-person and online service, allowing us to experience the depth and diversity of congregations across our community while acknowledging that we are One Church. We hope you’ll join us! visit: https://www.vccfresno.org/prayer/ for more info.