Afternoon Movie
Join us for our Movie Matinee in Room 402 Thursday, June 17th from 12:00 noon – 3:00pm ••Remember to bring your favorite lunch and beverage!•• We will be watching: Overcomer (From the creators of WAR…
Join us for our Movie Matinee in Room 402 Thursday, June 17th from 12:00 noon – 3:00pm ••Remember to bring your favorite lunch and beverage!•• We will be watching: Overcomer (From the creators of WAR…
We're getting together and staying cool at Forestiere Underground Gardens (5021 W Shaw, Fresno)! This historical site is a series of subterranean structures built by Italian immigrant, Baldassare Forestiere. It's a great way…
Join us on August 10th from 6:30-8:30pm in the APR for a fun night learning BUNCO with Pam Owen and Terri Ortlieb! This fun, fast-paced game is sure to make…
PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, September 5th at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…
We had so much fun last time, we're doing it again! Join us for our Pop-Up BUNCO Event on August 14th from 2:00-4:00pm in the APR. This fun, fast-paced game is sure to make for an…
We're hitting the links...the mini links that is...for a fun evening of mini golf! Join us at Blackbeard's Family Entertainment Center (4055 N. Chestnut Diagonal/Fresno 93726) on September 23rd at 6:30pm. Afterwards, we'll be…
PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, October 3rd at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…
We're going to the Theater! Join us at the Golden Chain Theater (42130 Hwy 41, Oakhurst) on October 10th for the 2:00pm production of Mary Poppins! Cost is $17.00 per person. Reservations MUST BE made by September…
Meet us at Clovis Botanical Garden (945 N. Clovis Ave., Clovis) on October 21st at 9:00am for a tour of this three-acre water-wise garden! Don't miss out on seeing the fall colors! Bring your…
PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, November 7th at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…