Afternoon Movie

Join us for our Movie Matinee in Room 402 Thursday, June 17th from 12:00 noon – 3:00pm ••Remember to bring your favorite lunch and beverage!•• We will be watching: Overcomer (From the creators of WAR…

Let’s Get Cool at Forestiere Underground Gardens!

We're getting together and staying cool at Forestiere Underground Gardens (5021 W Shaw, Fresno)! This historical site is a series of subterranean structures built by Italian immigrant, Baldassare Forestiere. It's a great way…

BUNCO Night!

Join us on August 10th from 6:30-8:30pm in the APR for a fun night learning BUNCO with Pam Owen and Terri Ortlieb! This fun, fast-paced game is sure to make…

Brunch After Church

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, September 5th at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…

PrimeTime 55+ Pop-Up BUNCO

We had so much fun last time, we're doing it again! Join us for our Pop-Up BUNCO Event on August 14th from 2:00-4:00pm in the APR. This fun, fast-paced game is sure to make for an…

Mini Golf at Blackbeard’s

We're hitting the links...the mini links that is...for a fun evening of mini golf! Join us at Blackbeard's Family Entertainment Center (4055 N. Chestnut Diagonal/Fresno 93726) on September 23rd at 6:30pm. Afterwards, we'll be…

Brunch After Church

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, October 3rd at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…

PrimeTime 55+ October Pop-Up: A Day At The Theater

We're going to the Theater! Join us at the Golden Chain Theater (42130 Hwy 41, Oakhurst) on October 10th for the 2:00pm production of Mary Poppins! Cost is $17.00 per person. Reservations MUST BE made by September…

Clovis Botanical Garden

Meet us at Clovis Botanical Garden (945 N. Clovis Ave., Clovis) on October 21st at 9:00am for a tour of this three-acre water-wise garden! Don't miss out on seeing the fall colors! Bring your…

Brunch After Church

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, November 7th at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…