Clovis Botanical Garden

Meet us at Clovis Botanical Garden (945 N. Clovis Ave., Clovis) on October 21st at 9:00am for a tour of this three-acre water-wise garden! Don't miss out on seeing the fall colors! Bring your…

Brunch After Church

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, November 7th at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…

PrimeTime 55+ November Pop-Up: Holly Jolly Holidays

Join us at The Good Company Players Second Space Theater (928 E. Olive Ave., Fresno) on November 21st for the 2:00pm production of Holly Jolly Holidays! Cost is $18.00 per person. Snacks and beverages will be…

Brunch After Church

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church Sunday, December 5th at 11:30am Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up…

PrimeTime 55+ Christmas Open House

Come enjoy the warmth of the holidays with us on December 12th between 2:00-5:00pm at a Christmas Open House hosted by Paul & Carol Dooley. Finger foods will be served. Address and directions will be provided to…

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church

Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up in the Courtyard before service (9:30-9:55am) on January 2nd.

PrimeTime 55+ BINGO in the APR

When was the last time you played BINGO? Join us on January 20th at 2:00pm in the APR for a fun time together playing BINGO! Bring your favorite snack and beverage! B10 -…

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church

Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up in the Courtyard before service (9:30-9:55am) on February 6th.

PrimeTime 55+ Valentine’s Day Movie Matinee

Celebrate Valentine's Day, February 14th, with lunch and a movie with your PrimeTime 55+ friends! Bring your favorite sack lunch and join us in Room 402 at 12:00pm. We’ll be watching Badge of Faith.…

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church

Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up in the Courtyard before service (9:30-9:55am) on March 6th.