PrimeTime 55+ BINGO in the APR

When was the last time you played BINGO? Join us on January 20th at 2:00pm in the APR for a fun time together playing BINGO! Bring your favorite snack and beverage! B10 - I23 - N26 - G52 - O70 - Let's have fun! Sign up BINGO in the APR in the Courtyard before and after service on January 16th or…

Prayer Training

interested in Prayer Training? Join us Thursdays at 6:00pm starting February 3rd for a 7-week course in the APR as we learn how to pray using VCC's 5-Point Prayer Model and various forms of prayer techniques. Sign-up in the Courtyard after Sunday service on January 23rd or 30th, or online here. SIGN UP HERE! Download the flyer for more info:

PrimeTime55+ Brunch After Church

Come hang out with old and new friends as we enjoy brunch together! Find out all the details when you sign up in the Courtyard before service (9:30-9:55am) on February 6th.