Connect Week

  Life Groups are where we are known and grown! Our next semester of Life Groups is May-July and we would love for you to get connected. Connect Week is…

BINGO in the Courtyard – May 6th

BINGO in the Courtyard  - May 6th - 1:00-3:00pm It's time for some outdoor fun! Bring your favorite snack and beverage. We'll supply the prizes! Sign up in the Courtyard before…

Craft & Chat or Just Chat – May 21

Do you knit or crochet? Love to color or paint? Have a crafty project from Pinterest you've been wanting to make? or Do you have an unfinished project at home?…

Pistols and Pearls – May 22

We are taking a trip to the Fresno Rifle and Pistol Club on Auberry Road in Clovis. This is an outdoor shooting range and we will have knowledgeable people assisting and giving instruction before we…

Let’s Talk

Come experience an evening full of fun with other couples, June 4th from 7:00-8:30pm in the Sanctuary, including: Table Talk - Share experiences with other couples! Coffee & Dessert - Yum! Hang…