21 days of Prayer and Fasting

Every night during the 21 days of Prayer and Fasting a different church will host an in-person and online service, allowing us to experience the depth and diversity of congregations across our community while acknowledging that we are One Church. We hope you’ll join us! visit: https://www.vccfresno.org/prayer/ for more info.  

PrimeTime 55+ BINGO in the APR

When was the last time you played BINGO? Join us on January 20th at 2:00pm in the APR for a fun time together playing BINGO! Bring your favorite snack and beverage! B10 - I23 - N26 - G52 - O70 - Let's have fun! Sign up BINGO in the APR in the Courtyard before and after service on January 16th or…