Prayer Training

interested in Prayer Training? Join us Thursdays at 6:00pm starting February 3rd for a 7-week course in the APR as we learn how to pray using VCC's 5-Point Prayer Model and various forms of prayer techniques. Sign-up in the Courtyard after Sunday service on January 23rd or 30th, or online here. SIGN UP HERE! Download the flyer for more info:

Men’s Power Breakfast

Men's Power Breakfast Every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00am Valley Christian Center - APR Enjoy a breakfast burrito while we dive into to God's Word together. No registration needed, just show up.

PrimeTime 55+ Bingo in the Afternoon

Back by popular demand! We're playing BINGO on March 24th from 1:00-4:00pm in the All Purpose Room! Bring your favorite snack and plan on having a good time! Let's have fun - B10 - I23 - N26 - G52 - O70! Register for BINGO in the Afternoon in the Courtyard before and after service on March 20th or online March 14th-20th here:…