“The Chosen” – Girl’s Night Out

Ladies, come and join us for a Girl's Night Out! We are meeting up to watch, "The Chosen" at the Maya Cinemas, located at 3090 E. Campus Point Drive, Fresno, CA 93710. Advance tickets are already available at the Maya Cinemas and online. No need to sign-up, just show up with your girls. I will…

Women’s Deeper Bible Study

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Women Connect Deeper Bible Study is an on-going series that will lead women to go deeper in their relationship with God and His Word, discovering what He says about our identity, giftings, relationships, our place in the world and how to have courage. Deeper starts February 13th on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. Sign up online…

Women’s Deeper Bible Study

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Women Connect Deeper Bible Study is an on-going series that will lead women to go deeper in their relationship with God and His Word, discovering what He says about our identity, giftings, relationships, our place in the world and how to have courage. Deeper starts February 13th on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. Sign up online…

PrimeTime 55+ Pizza & Movie Matinee

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Join us Thursday, March 21st from 12:00-3:00pm for our matinee showing of Apollo 13, where NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage. We're having pizza & salad, so bring your favorite movie-watching snack and join the team in Room 402! SIGN UP HERE!

Baptism Class

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Then your next step is water baptism. We believe water baptism in an outward expression of the inward work that God is doing in your life. It is one of the most significant next steps you can take to continue your faith journey, and we love…

Women’s Deeper Bible Study

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Women Connect Deeper Bible Study is an on-going series that will lead women to go deeper in their relationship with God and His Word, discovering what He says about our identity, giftings, relationships, our place in the world and how to have courage. Deeper starts February 13th on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. Sign up online…

Steadfast Youth – Pizza & Skate

United Skates 2881 Peach Ave, Clovis, CA

Pizza & Skate at United Skates on Peach & Gettysburg is for students in 6th-12th grade. Pick up and drop off will be at United Skates. Cost is $15 - includes a slice of pizza, drink and skate rental. Please make sure you go to United Skates website  to complete a waiver for skating, this…


Baptism Sunday

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Baptism Sunday is here! Today is the day we celebrate those being raised to new life in Christ by way of water baptism. Those being baptized have gone through our baptism class and are ready to proclaim their faith. If you are interested in being baptized and have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior…

Women’s Deeper Bible Study

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Women Connect Deeper Bible Study is an on-going series that will lead women to go deeper in their relationship with God and His Word, discovering what He says about our identity, giftings, relationships, our place in the world and how to have courage. Deeper starts February 13th on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. Sign up online…

Valley Membership Class

Valley Christian Center 4649 E. Shields Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

Finding a church home is so important in our faith journey. It helps us be faithful disciples of Jesus and to participate as members of the body of Christ. Sign-Up for our next membership class to learn what it means to make Valley your home. SIGN-UP HERE